Discover a Healthier Way of Life
For those participating in behavioral health programs, as well as those in TBI or NHTD waiver programs, counseling services can be an essential part of staying healthy and improving overall well-being. Venture Forthe offers several counseling programs that meet the various needs of our waiver-program clients, as well as others in need of counseling. Our counseling services can be offered in-home, ensuring that participants are comfortable and the location is convenient.
CPST (Community Psychiatric Support & Treatment)
CPST is a recovery-focused intervention service that is ideal for individuals who have struggled with site-based care or treatment, and would benefit from in-home counseling. With CPST, participants have the option to receive services alongside family or loved ones, if this would be beneficial to recovery. CPST services are provided by licensed behavioral health professionals, and aim to minimize the negative symptoms of an individual’s diagnosis and facilitate community integration and recovery.